• Vancouver, Kanada, 11. Oktober 2022 – Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSX-V: RCK) (OTCQX: RCKTF) (FWB: RJIB) (WKN: A1XF0V) begrüßt die Absicht der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) eine potenzielle Kreditfinanzierung von bis zu 150 Millionen Euro für das Konverterprojekt im brandenburgischen Guben zu prüfen. Die Finanzierung durch die Europäische Investitionsbank würde die Herstellung von Lithiumhydroxid, einem der wichtigsten Bestandteile von Elektrofahrzeugbatterien, unterstützen und damit den Wandel des Verkehrssektors hin zu einer CO2-freien Mobilität in der EU fördern.

    „Das Interesse der EIB an dem Projekt ist ein sehr positives Signal für den Markt, und dass Rock Tech mit seinen Projektentwicklung in Guben planmäßig vorankommt“, erklärte Dirk Harbecke, Vorsitzender des Verwaltungsrats, und fügte hinzu: Wir freuen uns über eine mögliche Unterstützung der EIB, da wir gerade ein Konsortium von wichtigen Projektfinanzierern zusammenbringen.

    Der Lithiumkonverters von Rock Tech wird der erste seiner Art in Europa sein. Im Gubener Konverter wird der gesamte Raffinerieprozess vom lithiumhaltigen Erz, dem Spodumen, bis zum batteriefähigen Lithiumhydroxid stattfinden. Damit hilft das Projekt zum einen den steigenden Bedarf an Batterierohstoffen zu decken, der durch die zunehmende Mobilität von Elektrofahrzeugen ausgelöst wird, und ermöglicht es gleichzeitig, die Lieferkette in der westlichen Hemisphäre resilienter und unabhängiger zu gestalten. Das Lithiumhydroxid aus dem Konverter von Rock Tech soll Rohstoff für bis zu 500.000 Batterien für Elektrofahrzeuge pro Jahr sein und damit den emissionsfreien Wandel des Verkehrssektors vorantreiben.


    Rock Tech ist ein Cleantech-Unternehmen, das es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Lithiumhydroxid für Elektrofahrzeugbatterien herzustellen. Rock Tech plant den Bau von Lithiumkonvertern dort, wo es die Kunden benötigen, um die Lieferkette transparent zu gestalten und just-in-time zu liefern. Um die wichtigste Lücke im Clean-Mobility-Sektor zu schließen, hat Rock Tech eines der stärksten Teams der Branche zusammengestellt. In den kommenden Jahren will das Unternehmen sein Material auch aus Altbatterien verwenden.


    André Mandel, Tel: +49 (0) 151 2825 4014; E-mail: amandel@rocktechlithium.com,
    Rock Tech Lithium Inc.; 777 Hornby Street, Suite 600, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 1S4;

    Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


    The following cautionary statements are in addition to all other cautionary statements and disclaimers contained elsewhere in, or referenced by, this press release. Certain information set forth in this press release constitutes „forward-looking information“ and „forward-looking statements“ (collectively, „forward-looking information“) within the meaning of applicable securities laws, which are based on Rock Tech’s current expectations, estimates, and assumptions in light of its experience and is perception of historical trends. All statements other than statements of historical facts may constitute forward-looking information. Often, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of words or phrases such as „estimate“, „project“, „anticipate“, „expect“, „intend“, „believe“, „hope“, „may“ and similar expressions, as well as „will“, „shall“ and all other indications of future tense. All forward-looking information set forth in this press release is expressly qualified in its entirety by the cautionary statements referred to in this section. In particular, forward-looking information in this new release includes, but is not limited to: statements regarding Rock Tech’s vision, strategy and objectives; Rock Tech’s proposed converter project in Guben and the Company’s intentions with respect to the development and timing thereof, including the sources and mix of funding in respect of the development of the proposed converter, development targets and milestones and the Company’s expectations regarding the project, including the expected costs, production capacity and outcomes thereof; statements regarding the EIB’s review of a potential investment in the proposed converter, including amounts invested (if any) and the timing thereof; statements regarding Rock Tech’s future plans and expectations, including the anticipated production of lithium hydroxide; statements and expectations regarding the electric vehicle industry; Rock Tech’s opinions, beliefs and expectations regarding the Company’s business strategy, development and exploration opportunities and projects; and plans and objectives of management for the Company’s operations and properties. Forward-looking information contained in this press release is based on certain assumptions, estimates, expectations, analysis and opinions of the Company and in certain cases, third party experts, that are believed by management of Rock Tech to be reasonable at the time they were made. While Rock Tech considers these assumptions, estimates and factors to be reasonable based on information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results. In addition, forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond Rock Tech’s control, that may cause Rock Tech’s actual events, results, performance and/or achievements to be materially different from that which is expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events, results, performance and/or achievements to vary materially include: the Company’s ability to access funding required to invest in available opportunities and projects (including the Company’s proposed lithium hydroxide converter) and on satisfactory terms; the current and potential adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and recent geopolitical hostilities; the risk that Rock Tech will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due; changes in commodity and other prices; Rock Tech’s ability to attract and retain skilled staff and to secure feedstock from third party suppliers; unanticipated events and other difficulties related to construction, development and operation of the Company’s proposed lithium hydroxide converter; the cost of compliance with current and future environmental and other laws and regulations; title defects; competition from existing and new competitors; changes in currency, exchange rates and market prices of Rock Tech’s securities; Rock Tech’s history of losses; adverse impacts of climate change; and other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in Rock Tech’s public disclosure documents available on the Company’s SEDAR profile at www.sedar.com, including those discussed under the heading „Risk Factors“ in Rock Tech’s most recently filed Management Discussion and Analysis and Annual Information Form, respectively. Such risks and uncertainties do not represent an exhaustive list of all risk factors that could cause actual events, results, performance and/or achievements to vary materially from the forward-looking information. We cannot assure you that actual events, results, performance and/or achievements will be consistent with the forward-looking information and management’s assumptions may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information reflects Rock Tech management’s views as at the date the information is created. Except as may be required by law, Rock Tech undertakes no obligation and expressly disclaims any responsibility, obligation or undertaking to update or to revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, to reflect any change in Rock Tech’s expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such information is based. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking information set forth in this press release.

    Verantwortlicher für diese Pressemitteilung:

    Rock Tech Lithium Inc.
    Brad Barnett
    900 – 1021 West Hastings Street
    V6E 0C3 Vancouver, BC

    email : bbarnett@rocktechlithium.com


    Rock Tech Lithium Inc.
    Brad Barnett
    900 – 1021 West Hastings Street
    V6E 0C3 Vancouver, BC

    email : bbarnett@rocktechlithium.com

    Disclaimer: Diese Pressemitteilung wird für den darin namentlich genannten Verantwortlichen gespeichert. Sie gibt seine Meinung und Tatsachenbehauptungen und nicht unbedingt die des Diensteanbieters wieder. Der Anbieter distanziert sich daher ausdrücklich von den fremden Inhalten und macht sich diese nicht zu eigen.

    Europäische Investmentbank prüft Projektfinanzierung von 150 Million Euro für Rock Techs Konverter in Guben

    veröffentlicht am 11. Oktober 2022 in der Rubrik Presse - News
    Diese Pressemitteilung wurde 72 x angesehen • News-ID 113587

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